The Academy of Film and the Arts (AFA) was established by Armondo Linus Acosta and his film family following their production of the acclaimed film concert ROMEO ∙ JULIET. What began as a series of spontaneous projects has now evolved into the AFA, housed in the revolutionary Academy One Studios in Ghent, Belgium, with branch offices in Escondido (California - USA), New York (NY, USA), and Rome (Italy).
At the AFA, students are exposed to many creative possibilities and are encouraged to find their own art form. They are provided with a supportive environment to develop and refine their own potential, with an emphasis on the great joy that the creative process brings. There is no fixed curriculum, but instead a collection of initiatives incorporating many artistic endeavors in which students can join, all within a generous physical space, allowing them to develop and realize their own projects.
At the core of the AFA is a belief that art and spirituality are deeply intertwined: that in art, a person develops a direct connection with God, the Divine Principle, the Creator, the "Itness".
In addition to a full-service film studio and a beautiful courtyard, the Academy One Studios features suites for dance and theatre classes, a sound booth for music recording/engineering/production classes, an on-site restaurant reminiscent of a Paris café, a vegetable garden, and ateliers for painting, sculpting, woodworking and welding. Not only does the AFA produce its own film projects in which all students are involved, but it also organizes film festivals, master classes and countless activities dedicated to all the arts.
"Through art we can merge with God. The act of creating is how we tap into Source and our higher selves; it's the path to finding our pure inner joy," says Acosta, who has devoted his life to the pursuit of art, beauty and truth. "Whether it's through film, dance, music or the visual arts, it doesn't matter; just create! Find your art form, find that place, and be free with it! This is especially important during these times, in this uncertain world that we live in. Art is the way to transcend all that, and the way to attain and sustain real happiness."
The Academy of Film and the Arts vzw
Belgium: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ‑ +32 498 081 223
USA: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ‑ +1 (760) 270‑4229
Italy: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ‑ +39 388 2476 785
Antwerpsesteenweg 197, 9040 Sint Amandsberg, Belgium - BE0454.121.930